Michael Fitzgerald, PhD

Michael Fitzgerald, PhD

Our lab seeks to understand at the mechanistic level how atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is driven by dysregulation of lipoprotein metabolism and inappropriate activation of innate immunity. The tools we used to investigate these questions include cellular...
Denise Faustman, MD, PhD

Denise Faustman, MD, PhD

As Director of the Immunobiology Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), my research objective is to introduce new therapeutic concepts to treat autoimmune diseases and, more recently, cancer. I have been working in the fields of autoimmunity and...
Linda Delahanty, MS, RDN

Linda Delahanty, MS, RDN

My research program is focused on translating evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle interventions into real world clinical and community settings and understanding the psychological and behavioral factors that influence weight and activity outcomes. I have expertise...
Saumya Das, MD, PhD

Saumya Das, MD, PhD

The Das laboratory focuses on extracellular vesicles and their molecular cargoes as biomarkers in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and seeks to determine their functional role in mediating phenotypes associated with cardiometabolic diseases including heart...
Dennis Brown, PhD

Dennis Brown, PhD

Dennis Brown is Director of the MGH Program in Membrane Biology (PMB) within the MGH Division of Nephrology. The overarching goal of the Program is to understand how epithelial cells respond to physiological cues, including the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin, to...